Join Our Team

Join our team

Join Our Team

Bourbon & Oak is on the lookout for passionate writers interested in joining our team. We are currently looking to add a few additional contributors to the site. If you’re a writer that is passionate about the subjects we cover on the site, we’d love to hear from you. All opportunities are currently for the byline only. We’re looking for creative professionals who understand the Bourbon & Oak reader and are interested in contributing to the site. If that sounds like you, here’s how you can apply:

Send an email to us via the contact link below with the subject line writing opportunities and include the following:

  • Resume
  • Cover letter or pitch outlining your experience and why you would want to join our team. 

Once we receive and review your information we will be in touch. Thank you for your interest in joining our team. 

-Bourbon & Oak


In great spirits,

-Bourbon & Oak

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