Sunset Boulevard Cocktail Recipe

Sunset Boulevard

Sunset Boulevard 

by Eduardo Guzman, The Optimist, Atlanta

This Boulevardier-inspired aperitivo cocktail calls for Casoni 1814, which is a bit gentler than the traditional Campari. (If you can’t find it, use Aperol instead.)


1.5 oz. Few Bourbon Whiskey

.75 oz. Cocchi Americano Rosa

.75 oz. Casoni 1814 Aperitivo

2 dashes Fee Brothers West Indian Orange Bitters

2 dashes Fee Brothers Old Fashion Aromatic Bitters

Glass: Cocktail

Garnish: Flamed orange twist

DIRECTIONS: Add all the ingredients to a mixing glass and fill with ice. Stir, and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a flamed orange twist.

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